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Citizenship of India

Acquisition and loss of Indian citizenship is based upon the Citizenship Act of 1955. Despite the variety of states, peoples, and languages in India, the law recognizes only Indian citizenship. Dual citizenship is not recognized. So, in case an Indian citizen acquires a foreign citizenship he loses citizenship of India. One can get citizenship of India by birth, by descent, or by naturalization.

Citizenship by birth

Child born within the territory of India, regardless of the nationality of the parents, becomes an Indian citizen. Though the law of India does recognize citizenship through birth in the country, unless the citizenship is actively applied for, the Indian government does not consider the child a citizen of India. The person has the right to return to India upon reaching the age of 18 and applying for Indian citizenship.

Citizenship by descent

  1. Child born of an Indian father, regardless of the child’s country of birth.
  2. Child of an Indian mother and a foreign father is considered an Indian citizen if the mother and child continue to live in India and the father does not give the child his country’s citizenship.
  3. Child born out of wedlock to an Indian mother, regardless of the child’s country of birth. Children born abroad must be registered at an Indian Consulate.

Citizenship by naturalization

Indian citizenship may be acquired upon fulfillment of the following conditions: Person has resided in the country for the last five years and has renounced previous citizenship.

Loss of Indian citizenship

Voluntary renunciation of Indian citizenship is permitted by law. Contact the Embassy for details and required paperwork. The following are grounds for involuntary loss of Indian citizenship:

  1. Person voluntarily acquires a foreign citizenship.
  2. Naturalized citizenship was acquired through false statements.
  3. Naturalized citizen commits acts against the state of India before the end of a five-year grace period.

The information about citizenship of India is provided for reference only. We do not work with Indian immigration legislation. But if you live in India and wish to immigrate to the USA, UK or Canada through investment route, or you wish to obtain another citizenship and renounce Indian one, you may contact us today for further information.

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