Immigration through Investment to Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of two special administrative regions of the People’s Republic of China, the other being Macau. With a land mass of 1,104 km2 and a population of seven million people, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Hong Kong’s population is 95 percent ethnic Chinese and 5 percent from other groups. Official languages in Hong Kong are Chinese and English. Hong Kong became a colony of the British Empire after the First Opium War (1839–42). Originally confined to Hong Kong Island, the colony’s boundaries were extended in stages to the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories by 1898. It was occupied by Japan during the Pacific War, after which the British resumed control until 1997, when China regained sovereignty. The region espoused minimum government intervention under the ethos of positive non-interventionism during the colonial era.

The time period greatly influenced the current culture of Hong Kong, often described as “East meets West”, and the educational system, which used to loosely follow the system in England until reforms implemented in 2009. Under the principle of “one country, two systems”, Hong Kong has a different political system from mainland China. Hong Kong’s independent judiciary functions under the common-law framework. The Basic Law of Hong Kong, its constitutional document, which stipulates that Hong Kong shall have a “high degree of autonomy” in all matters except foreign relations and military defense, governs its political system.
As one of the world’s leading international financial centers, Hong Kong has a major capitalist service economy characterized by low taxation and free trade, and the currency, Hong Kong dollar, is the ninth most traded currency in the world. The lack of space caused demand for denser constructions, which developed the city to a center for modern architecture and the world’s most vertical city. The dense space also led to a highly-developed transportation network with public transport travelling rate exceeding 90 percent, the highest in the world
Immigration through Investment to Hong Kong
There are two major routes of relocation to Hong Kong for international inventors and entrepreneurs who want to reside or to do business in Honk Kong:
- The Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (introduced by Immigration Department in 2003 for passive investors who are ready to invest in permissible assets, except real estate). Investor must be aged 18 or above when applying for entry under the Scheme have net assets of not less than HK$ 10,000,000 (which makes approximately USD 1,283,000) to which he is beneficially entitled throughout the two years preceding his application. Among other important eligibility criteria are no criminal records and some others requirements. As a result of the program investor and his family get Temporary Residence for 2 years in Hong Kong. Permanent Residency is possible after 7 years of residence in HK is Temporary Residence status. This scheme was closed in 2014 and is not available now.
- Business Investment Visa (for active entrepreneurs). In order to qualify a foreign entrepreneur must be able to demonstrate to the Immigration Department that a company (usually LLC) will be incorporated, local jobs will be created through implementation of the investment activities, that local vendors and suppliers will be utilized in the planned commercial activities, that the overall industry within which the investment activities are undertaken will be advantaged. As a result of the program entrepreneur and his family get Temporary Residence for 1 year in Hong Kong. After one year of successful business renewal for 2 more years is possible. Permanent Residency is possible after 7 years of residence in HK is Temporary Residence status.
If you have any question regarding above-mentioned material or wish to use our legal assistance in incorporation of Hong Kong Company or in obtaining temporary residence in Hong Kong, contact us today